Long Axis Distraction
Hip Manual Therapy Technique
Body Region: Hip
Technique Name: Long Axis Distraction non-thrust mobilization/thrust manipulation
Indications: hip osteoarthritis, hip pain, knee osteoarthritis, lumbar spinal stenosis, lower back pain
Patient Position:
- Supine
Clinician Position:
- Standing at feet of patient
Technique Description:
- Grasp the patient’s ankle with both hands just above the malleoli and position your feet in a walk stance
- Position the hip in slight flexion and abduction
- Apply a distraction force to the hip by shifting your weight to your back foot and pulling with both arms
- The technique may be performed as a graded mobilization into resistance or as a high-velocity thrust at end range
- Progress the technique by positioning the hip in further abduction and internal rotation prior to performing the mobilization or thrust manipulation
Key Points:
- Use a belt in a figure-8 to aid in gripping force and increased patient comfort
- You may also have another person provide proximal stabilization through the pelvis with downward pressure on the patients bilateral anterior / superior iliac spines
- Ensure the hip is not brought into adduction as this may risk injury to the acetabulum
Related Techniques
- A-P in Hip Adduction
- External Rotation Caudal Glide
- Hip Abduction with Caudal Glide
- Internal Rotation in Extension
- Internal Rotation Lateral Glide
- Lateral Glide in Hip Flexion
- P-A in Hip Extension
- P-A in FABER
- Hip Abduction Caudal Glide (2-person)
- Hip Flexor Manual Stretch
- Manual Piriformis Stretch